• University of L'Aquila

  • FrameLab Team

  • ICSA 2023 – 13-17 March 2023 | L'Aquila, Italy

Human-Driven SE


Data Architecture

Machine Learning

Green Software

ICT4 Cultural Heritage


It is a research group focusing on several areas of software engineering, including software architecture, data architecture, machine learning, microservices, human-driven SE, and green software. The group aims to advance the state of the art in software engineering by researching and developing new techniques and tools to address the challenges software developers face. FrameLab's research is driven by a deep understanding of the human factors involved in software development and the need for environmentally sustainable and energy-efficient software systems. By combining expertise in multiple areas, FrameLab is at the forefront of advancing the practice of software engineering.


The FrameLab @ICSE 2024

What an intensive week at ICSE 2024, the ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Software Engineering.With the SATrends workshop and the Software…

The FrameLab @ICSE 2024
Henry Muccini’s invited to speak at the Int. Software Architecture PhD School ’24

Henry Muccini’s invited to speak at the Int. Software Architecture PhD School ’24

Henry Muccini, the FrAmeLab team leader, has been invited to contribute to the ISAPS 2024 school on Software Architecture. He…

IEEE Software Meeting

It was so nice to meet again the IEEE Software board friends in Rovaniemi. We had a chance to say…

IEEE Software Meeting
EDISS Winter School 2024

EDISS Winter School 2024

EDISS winter school is a one-week program that takes place in the second semester. It aims to introduce new students to…

Indeed: day 3 in, we had another two great talks from @M_Ciolkowski on architecture and agility and from @muccinihenry on architecting and Machine Learning #inspiration #reserach #problemsThatMatter

Day 2 @ISAPSchool kickstarted by @eoinwoodz on how software development changed the role of architects and (continuous) architecture @lorentzcenter

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