The FrameLab @ICSE 2024

SA Town Hall ICSE 2024

The FrameLab @ICSE 2024

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  • April 23, 2024
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What an intensive week at ICSE 2024, the ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Software Engineering.

With the SATrends workshop and the Software Architecture Town Hall we have reinforced the role of #SoftwareArchitecture as a fundamental and foundational component of #SoftwareEngineering. The response from the community has been huge (see photo). Our objective is to be as inclusive as possible and support early career researchers. Thanks to Paris Avgeriou, Patricia Lago, Davide Taibi, and Luciano Baresi for coordinating those wonderful events with me.

With CAIN: International Conference on AI Engineering – Software Engineering for AI 2024 we instead reiterated the #system wide view in engineering #AI applications. While the AI models introduce new challenges, they are only a little piece that needs to be properly engineered and integrated into the “bigger picture”. Rafiullah Omar also presented his work on Energy-Efficient Development of ML-Enabled Systems: A Data-Centric Approach at the Doctoral Symposium. Be ready for CAIN 2025 in Canada! Henry Muccini and Grace Lewis will “run the show” as general co-chairs.

During the JSS board meeting some new initiatives (e.g., JSS in practice ), achievements, and next actions have been presented. We are glad to be a member of this community.

And look at the fantastic IEEE Software board members on the IEEE Software social media.

But the most important components of any meeting and event are you, my colleagues, and friends. A vivid community that gets excited when new ideas are shared and discussed.

See you all at ICSE 2025. We will be there.

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