Human-Driven SE


Internet of Behaviors, Human-centered Software, Emotions-based Adaptation, Quality of Service, Quality of Experience.


  • Establishing a framework for linking human characteristics, goals, and behaviors to software systems.
  • Providing methodologies for adjusting humans' Quality of Experience (QoS) and system Quality of Service (QoS).
  • Separating interactive software systems concerns in application and architecture level adaptations and addressing their coordination.
  • Creating AI-based adaptation engines for both software and user interfaces.
  • Integrating the human-oriented approach in the industry, such as industry 5.0, robotics, and smart energy.


Human-oriented software engineering supports the design and development of socio-technical systems based on humans' goals, characteristics, behaviors, and emotions. It considers humans as a center of change and thus computation. Human behavior could be considered at an individual level (emotions, mood, attention) or social level (group interaction, movement behavior, social attachment). We introduced the novel approach of the Internet of behaviors (IoB) to make a trade-off or adjustment between QoE and QoS. We showed the usefulness of the approach in various cases, such as crowd management, industrial robotics, and adaptive user interfaces. Our approach is based on interactive control loops and uses machine learning methods (such as reinforcement learning) as adaptation supervisors.